This course deals with the duties and duty of care of the passenger assistant. It is recommended for drivers also as they sometimes fulfil both roles whilst on the vehicles. The training is delivered over one day and is covered in four modules:

These are the modules:

Module 1: The Role of the Passenger Assistant

This is the ‘foundation’ module because it is a starting point for further training. It covers the role and responsibilities of a passenger assistant, including legal, practical and safety issues

Module 2: Assisting Passengers with Disabilities

This module includes boarding and alighting from vehicles and safety information concerning wheelchair users.

Module 3: Supervising Children and Young People with Special Needs

This includes supervising children and young people with learning difficulties, autism, physical disabilities, sensory restrictions and emotional or behavioural difficulties

Module 4: Working with Adults Who Require Care and Supervision

This includes adult passengers with learning difficulties, dementia, physical disabilities, sensory restrictions and people in mental or emotional distress